Innovator Founder visa

Would be suitable for entrepreneurs who plan to launch an innovative business in the UK. Applicants must be over 18 years old and have sufficient funds to start a business in the UK. The applicant must be the founder or co-founder of the business. Each partner can apply for an Innovator Founder visa if there is more than one collaborator.

In conjunction with the development of your business, the Innovator Founder visa allows you to work for other companies in the UK and, if you wish, to get an education in one of the most progressive countries in the world. After 3 years you will be able to apply for ILR, and in 1-2 years you will be able to get the desired UK passport.

The key conditions are that the business idea must be innovative, sustainable, scalable and the business plan must be approved by an authority government (Endorsing Body).

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Skilled Worker visa

Qualified workers can ease their move to the UK by obtaining a Skilled Worker visa. It will provide a decent job according to your professional skills, a good salary and the opportunity to become a British citizen after 5 years.

Those companies intending to move employees on a Skilled Worker visa are required to obtain a UK Sponsor Licence issued by “Visas & Immigration” department (UKVI). Once the sponsor license is obtained, the company will be assigned a license rating. This will allow the company to apply for work visas for employees. The sponsor license is issued for 4 years and can be renewed.

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Global Talent visa

The Global Talent visa is suitable for those who have excelled in the fields of science, digital technology, arts and culture (including fashion design, architecture, etc.) and would like to come to the UK to work in a relevant field.

Talent visa candidates must demonstrate professional achievements. This could be grants for academics, publications and exhibitions for cultural applicants, or you could be the founder or one of the key employees in a technology company. You can also apply if you work on UK Research and Innovation projects approved for this visa.

A talent visa gives you the opportunity to work for yourself or for other companies in the UK. You will not need to prove English language skills or income, the UK is interested specifically in the abilities and skills of the applicant.

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