Start-up visa:
from appearance to extinction

Start-up Visa history
The story about the visa’s closure and what has been introduced instead.
Obtaining such a visa in the UK was possible from March 29, 2019. It was intended for young and ambitious people who are planning to open a company in the UK.
The eligibility requirements were the same as for the Innovator Founder visa. Three main criteria were considered:
  1. Focus on innovation
  2. Liveness
  3. Scalability
Start-up visa was issued for 2 years, did not require initial investments and did not lead to citizenship in the UK through business. If the applicant planned to continue his/her stay in the country, he/she could apply for the Innovator visa UK, which further implied obtaining British citizenship.
Over time, the UK authorities recognized a flaw in the Start-up visa. This was expressed in low-qualified employees who opened fast-food establishments instead of IT-companies. Also the Home Office recognized its incompetence in terms of selection. Home Office employees did not understand the economy and the business environment, thus allowing a candidate with a hopeless business strategy to get a visa.
What type of business visa can I use to move to the UK now?
What type of business visa can I use to move to the UK now?
In spring 2023, an updated Innovator Founder visa appeared. Its conditions have become more transparent, and its goal is a fair assessment of the project, which allows entrepreneurs to develop their activities and obtain citizenship.
The Innovator Founder visa allows you to start a business, work as an employee or study at the same time. You can apply for an innovator visa if:
  • you want to start and run an innovative business in the UK. Your business must be different from anything already existing on the UK market
  • your business idea has been approved by an authority, also known as the Endorsing Body
  • you meet the other requirements for a visa
You must be able to prove that your business idea is:
  • brand new - you cannot join an existing business
  • innovative - you must have an original business idea that is different from anything else on the market
  • sustainable, with growth potential
  • scalable - you must provide a business plan that includes job creation and expansion into national and international markets.
Schedule a free consultation and we'll find the visa that is right for you.
More information about the Innovator Founder visa is here