Innovator Founder Visa

Do you want to become a British citizen by starting a business? Then the Innovator Founder visa is your choice
Who is eligible. for this type of visa?
Entrepreneurs with experience in business development

Entrepreneurs with an innovative business idea
Anyone who is looking to relocate and launch a business in the UK

Steps in obtaining an Innovator Founder Visa
Developing Innovative business idea
CV writing
Elaborating Business plan
6-12 weeks
Obtaining a visa
Submitting a visa application
1-9 weeks
Getting ready for Endorsement Application
Obtaining Endorsement Letter
Endorsement Application Fee Payment
Preparing for Endorsement Interview
6-12 weeks
After 3 years you will be able to .apply for ILR. and after another 1-2 years you will be eligible for .UK citizenship
What does the Innovator Founder visa provide?
There are no requirements for initial investment in innovative business

Prospects for permanent resident status and citizenship

The opportunity to bring your partner or spouse and children (under 18) to the UK
The visa allows you to study and work in skilled positions outside of your main business
Private and free public schools are available for underage children

Visa requirements
You may need to provide a health certificate to show that you have been tested for pulmonary tuberculosis
Possible confirmation of a basic first time living allowance of at least £1,270 in the UK
No criminal records or immigration violations

18 years and older
English language proficiency at B2 level on CEFR scale