Wanted to become a Global Talent but ended up as an Innovator Founder. How our client remained in the UK on an Innovator Founder visa

A new chapter has recently begun in our client’s life — he managed to extend his stay in the UK and remain here through a business visa. As he is often asked to share his experience of moving and settling in the UK, he decided to share it periodically. We’re pleased to share his story.
Hello! My name is Ivan, and recently a new chapter has begun in my life — I managed to extend my stay in the UK and remain here on a business visa. Since I am often asked to share my experience of moving and settling in the UK, I decided to share this online.

I’ll start with my story of obtaining the Innovator Founder visa. It was a bold step for me, as initially, I wasn’t even sure which visa I would be applying for.

Originally, I came to the UK on a student visa to study marketing. During my studies, I had the idea of creating a marketing platform. As my student visa was nearing its end, I realised that I didn’t want to leave and decided to start the process of obtaining a visa that would allow me to work and implement my business idea.

I initially planned to apply for a Global Talent visa. However, after several visa agencies informed me that I lacked sufficient experience for it, I began to consider other immigration programmes. That’s how I came across the Innovator Founder visa.

Although I already had work experience, I was unsure about my resume. Given that I was a student, I felt my professional experience might be insufficient for such a serious visa.

Ultimately, I decided to find specialists who could objectively assess my chances of obtaining the visa and assist with the application, if possible.

Finding Immigration Lawyers

When I was making the decision to extend my stay in the UK, I realised I needed legal support not only for obtaining the visa but also for running the business. I wanted to play the long game from the start.

A good acquaintance recommended an immigration firm to me, which had already helped him obtain a visa (the firm is called Goldman Solutions). They had also assisted him in hiring staff and addressing various operational issues. This was exactly what I needed.

Starting the Process

As the expiry date of my current visa was approaching, I urgently contacted the recommended immigration firm.

We quickly signed a contract and immediately began preparing the documents for the Innovator Founder visa.

A significant advantage of the Innovator Founder visa is that it is suitable for businesses in various sectors. However, it is important to understand that there is a high likelihood that the business idea will need to be refined to meet the visa criteria.

I relied on the immigration team for this.

Refining the Business Idea and Developing the Business Plan

The first steps in obtaining the visa involved refining my business idea and preparing my business plan.

The immigration lawyers helped me with this, incorporating innovative features that met the criteria for the Innovator Founder visa. We particularly focused on integrating elements of artificial intelligence and augmented reality into the project.

Obtaining Endorsement and Overcoming Challenges

We submitted my business plan to an endorsing body and received written confirmation (also known as endorsement). This was a crucial step, as this endorsement was a requirement for the visa.

Thanks to the lawyers at Goldman Solutions — they explained in detail what factors could influence the success of my application and how to avoid common mistakes that could lead to rejection. They also helped me prepare for the interview with the endorsing body.

There were some challenges, too.

As time passed, there was still no response from the immigration service.

I was quite anxious. But fortunately, the lawyers had warned me in advance about the possibility of such a situation, so I quickly managed to calm myself.

Initially, I even thought it might be a deliberate attempt to “fail” me, but my legal team assured me that it was just part of the process.

Eventually, the lawyers prepared responses to additional questions and sent them to me for approval. After several revisions, we submitted them to the Home Office.

Receiving the Innovator Founder Visa

Thanks to thorough preparation, our responses to the Home Office’s questions were successful. I received the Innovator Founder visa!

Now, we are preparing a visa for my fiancée with the same immigration team, and I expect that we will soon be reunited in the UK.

I hope to continue sharing my experiences of life in the UK, and in the meantime, I’ll leave a few links that might be useful if you’re also interested in immigration:

https://goldmansolutions.co.uk/ — the website of my lawyers — Fedor Goldman and his team at Goldman Solutions. I am very grateful to them. Everything was done to the highest standard.

https://www.gov.uk/innovator-founder-visa — information about the Innovator Founder visa

https://www.gov.uk/set-up-business — useful information on starting a business in the UK

https://www.gov.uk/guidance/hmrc-tools-and-calculators — information about taxes

https://www.gov.uk/paye-for-employers — information about taxes and salaries — useful for a business plan

My story is a clear example that immigration doesn’t always go according to plan, and that’s okay. If you’re open to new experiences, focused on results, and have the support of reliable professionals, everything will work out.
Do you have questions about UK business immigration?
Book a consultation for more information!